
VLC Media Player Shortcuts

1. Most used F F ullscreen Space Pause or play movie V Subtitles on/off (or  s ) B Audio track cycle Ctrl + Arrow Up / Ctrl + Arrow Down Volume ▲ up 2. Mouse actions Double click Fullscreen Scroll Volume or Position (see settings) Right click Local menu (play controls, audio/video) ▲ up 3. Movie Navigation Ctrl + D Open  d isc menu Ctrl + F Open  f older (browse folder menu) Ctrl + R / Ctrl + S Advanced open file Ctrl + O O pen single file(s) M M ute and unmute audio P P lay movie (from the very beginning) S S top movie Esc Exit full screen mode [ + ] / - / = Faster, slower, normal A A spect ratio C C rop screen G / H Decrease subtitle delay / Increase subtitle delay J / K Decrease audio delay / Increase audio delay Z Change  z oom mode Ctrl + 1 ,  Ctrl + 2 ,  Ctrl + 3 ,  Ctrl + 4 Recent media (in Media - Recent media menu) T Show  t ime Ctrl + T Goto  t ime E N e xt Frame. Advance forward frame-by-fram...

How To Use Whatsapp Without Any Number

Follow the Steps given Below to use Whatsapp without any number First Step is to  Uninstall Whatsapp  from your Device. Reinstall it from  Google Play Store . Put your mobile on  Airplane Mode . We do so to stop whatsapp from verifying your number. Now open  Whatsapp  and fill in any number. Whatsapp will try to verify your number. When whatsapp will not able to verify your number. It will ask you for alternative methods to verify your number. Click on  Verify through SMS  and then provide your email address. Now Click on  Send  and then instantly click on  Cancel  to stop the authentication process. Now you need to Install another app,  Spoof text message  or TextPlus  which we will use to spoof the text message. This app will ask for details. Enter this information. TO:  +447900347295 FROM:  Mobile number Message:  Your E-mail Address Wait for a few seconds and you are goo...