This is the simplest way to download a movie in 10 Minutes or less... *Yes 10 MINUTES!!!! Damn the time wasting Torrents Download!!!! Just make sure you have Internet download manager installed....You can download from here *Now go to or or any of the Online Movie websites *Search for your favorite movie *If found, click on the movie to watch *Close the ad window with the big blue PLAY NOW tag on the flash player *Now click the small play icon to attempt to watch the movie *Internet download Manager automatically picks the video and asks you to Download Video from the Page (NB: you should see this at the upper right corner of your screen) *Click on the "Download Video from this Page" *Now click on Start Download to begin Downloading Advantage : Movies are small in size, downloads faster and you get to play the movies first, check the quality and decide if you wanna download... Unlike Torrents where you waste your ti...