Creating Virtual WiFi Hotspot for AndroPhones (and other devices) On Pc Without Any Special Software

A lot of people use Connectify/Virtual Router to get around this on windows 7/8. For me, as it has always been, I wanted something simple and fast. I did some search, and found out an easy way of making a virtual router. This involved using command line to give commands for enabling virtual wifi, so it was easy for me to write a batch script which did all the work for me. Its pretty much same as connectify/virtual router, but way faster and simpler, plus instead of using that 'advertising' SSID in connectify, you can choose your own SSID name with this method.

I have divided the setup into few simple steps, so everyone can understand easily.

Settings on your phone
First of all, you need to disable some GPS Location Access in the phone. To disable this service, go to Settings->Location Access and disable all services as shown below.

Disabling these options will be similar in other android phones as well. Just look for Location options in settings, and you will get there.
Settings on your pc
I have written this guide using Windows 8, however similar method can be used on Windows 7 and Vista. To start with settings on your pc, first thing you have to do is make a batch file. To do this open a new Notepad window, and copy and paste the following lines in there.
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=MySsid key=MyPassword keyUsage=persistent 
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
Replace MySsid with the SSID name you want, and MyPassword with your own password. Save this file as TurnWirelessOn.bat, and make sure the extension is .bat.
As you might have already guessed this batch file will be used to turn on the wireless connection. We need one more batch file to turn off the virtual router. To do this follow the same procedure as above replacing the commands with the following commands.
netsh wlan stop hostednetwork
 Name this file as TurnWirelessOff.bat for simplicity.

 Sharing your connection
Now comes the tricky part. You have to run the above batch file, which will first create a virtual wireless connection. After it has been created, you can use it to share your Wireless/LAN/USB Modem connection. To do this, right click  on TurnWirelessOn.bat file and select run as administrator.
This will enable an internet connection with the SSID and password you provided. Now go to Network and Sharing Center->Change Adapter Settings. You will notice a new internet adapter; as shown below:

Note down the name of the wireless connection which uses Microsoft Virtual Wifi Miniport. In this case it is called Local Area Connection* 11.

Now right click and open properties of your internet connection; in this case, it's Mobile broadband. Go to Sharing and enable connection sharing and choose Local Area Connection* 11.

Once you apply the settings, you might get a notification that the connection is currently active. This can be fixed by TurnWirelessOff.bat. Opening this file as administrator will turn the connection off, enabling you to set the sharing options.
Once everything is set up, just use the two batch scripts you created to share your internet connection to your android device, and enjoy! (if you're lucky to have non-android devices with strong wifi adapters,  then sing hallelujah!)
 NB: As I can not try this method on different version of windows, with different models and android version, therefore I request everyone who encounters to please leave a comment with your windows version, phone model, type of internet shared and android version
If it is working great for you, why not share it with others. Sharing is Caring. Cheers!


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